Being generous does not mean we become a doormat for others to walk all over. That doesn't do us or them any good. It is being prepared to go the extra mile, to look out for others. But it's not about being exploited.
Some international business leaders have set an example of greed over others' need. I hope Philip Green pays the full amount back into the employees' pension pot he raided to buy himself another yacht. Bill Gates on the other hand is using his vast wealth, from his Microsoft empire, to find new cures and make a positive difference to millions lives.
So where are we? Generosity notices, is hugely attractive, flows in many directions, is not to be exploited but makes a difference on every scale. Jesus showed all these traits: realistic, open to inconvenient demands especially from the marginalised.
He gave his life so that we can find the vital gift of forgiveness. He rose from the dead to prove that love is stronger than death. In his new life is ours. You can't get more generous than that.