Monday, 29 March 2021

Easter excitement, and my fare-well to you

Every day we should celebrate the amazing good news that Love is stronger than death, that Truth always trumps lies, that God surprises us by revealing his awesome self in ways which can touch us deeply in the ordinary things of life. Easter is especially dedicated to all Jesus gave us in example, forgiveness, zest, humour, and humanity.

He's our rock, and source of energy. He's reliability, and adventure. If you want boring stay put. If you want excitement follow him.

I leave you in God's good hands, with a real sense of excitement for your future. After 40 years 'vicaring' I need a complete change, and will be enjoying retirement opportunities to write as Elder Adok. I'm really looking forward to another evolution of God's faith in me as I return to civistreet.

Link an inkjet printer I've had different colours to work. You've been very patient putting up with me for over 23 years. There have been phases during that time when I've been part of teams that: designed, built, and thrive in the Church Rooms; trained curates to become vicars; assisted C of E Churches in the borough through new appointments, joys, and sadness; evolved the Community Angels; but most of all being part of our gorgeous communities next to the sea.

Fare well, and may God bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you, and may he give you his peace, his wisdom, his strength, his love, and his laughter. And may the blessing of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit rest upon you always.