So what are the facts about FairTrade being challenged? It should thrive, because that's its purpose! The foundation exists to "denounce the deceit and corruption of evil" to quote from our baptism promises.
On the other hand blind market forces are "good at creating wealth, but poor at distributing wealth" to quote Lord Sacks. Or as Rutger Bregman pithily put it "Wealth isn’t created at the top. It is merely devoured there".
If the Sainsbury's scheme is such an improvement, why is it being imposed on producers? Surely that is in itself unfair. There is no detail in the claim that the pilot will improve resilience and adaptability; why not? By being greedy, it could so easily lose its fine reputation for Faitrade. What a waste.
We can challenge the ethics of Tesco, or Sainsbury's as shareholders [if we are], as consumers, and in the market place of ideas. Let's stand up for justice. That's what is required of us, "Do justice, love kindness, and walk humble with your God", to quote Micah chapter 6, verse 8. These words are beautifully carved on St Osmund's chancel screen.
You and I can make a huge difference, and might pick up the whiff of fingers burned. I invite you to get in touch with these two:
Fair must remain fair.
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