Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Safe celebration, and just outcomes

On my way to take Padre's Hour at the Air Training Corps I was diverted around the houses by a large screen broadcasting World Cup Footie outside the Rendezvous. 

The atmosphere was amazing, a great sense of fun and excitement. However, to one side I noticed police, ambulance, and security staff making sure someone who had collapsed was safe. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who look after us, especially when we've overdone things.

Jesus taught that we should live to the full and celebrate all that's good, while at the same time keeping a lookout for one another.

And on another subject, the last Wessex Water information pamphlet delivered to every household invited us to rate its performance against other service providers, one of which was Sky with only a 5% approval rating. I have spent 5 months terminating my TV subscription [which had provided an excellent service] and now understand why Sky has such a poor reputation.

The above can be published in the public domain, however I cannot tell you the outcome of my dispute because it includes a confidentiality clause. What I can do is thoroughly recommend the centre for effective dispute resolution [CEDR] which provided an excellent service.
It is internet based, with provision for both parties to upload evidence. This is evaluated independently, and a binding judgement made. Power is held to account by truth. Christians lie behind the foundation of these islands' ancient courts of justice, most of which had a chapel built into their infrastructure.

As we enjoy summer lets give thanks be showing appreciation for those who keep us safe, and all who pursue justice.

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