Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Man-wrapping, exocets, and focus

By man-wrapping I don't mean wrapping up men, but men wrapping up presents! Some males I am sure will craft beautifully presented presents, but most make it pretty obvious it's not in their skill set. I discovered the solution: reusable bright bags of different sizes with ribbons and labels ready.
Select size, attach label, and pull ribbons ~ all done. And what's great is that I'm not adding to the mountain of paper collected after each Christmas. Incidentally, let's hear it for all the teams tidying up after us each year. They have such little time off themselves.

Jesus hardly preached any sermons. Why? It's because stories are often more powerful. With those generating fake-news [re-Tweeted far more by robots than people], a strong reaction only feeds the frenzy [generating more income for social media platforms]. So what do we do?

One option is to let lies go unchallenged, but then people start to believe them. It may be far more effective to get beneath the media radar by telling true stories, honourable yarns, and parables. The exocet missile was used to devastating effect in the Falkland's Conflict because it sneaked in beneath defence systems.

The open-air Carols and Baptisms at Sutton Poyntz were fantastic. It was a still night, with 350 or so gathered. Great hospitality was shown by the Mission Hall Gang, and even the donkeys joined in by baying during Away in a Manger.
But the Salvation Army were key, and it was fitting to introduce the new Captains Simon and Victoria Rowney to our community. Before she read the first lesson, I asked her how on earth she managed to keep going with all the music as well as looking after the destitute. She replied that it was by focusing on the heart of Christmas, God touching earth in the babe Jesus.

Nothing fake there.

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