Of course there's another understanding of radical, and that's someone who loosens ties the that bind and goes off in a completely different direction. Perhaps we need a bit of both as we find ourselves in 2021. Let me explain.
Psalm 1 speaks about trees with good roots being stable regardless of the weather challenges they face, and we need reliable truths to hang onto. At the same time flexibility to think in new ways is vital. Covid has given technology a fast forward, and we certainly won't return to square one.
Shopping will be different, so will meetings, and sharing worship outside church buildings. These give us huge opportunities, but there are risks. Worship could just be marketed like some product, and vicars might become online stars!? We need to keep our feet on the ground, and make sure worship doesn't become just another branch of our excellent entertainment industry.
There's lots of mileage in the idea of a Church [people not buildings] being like living stones. They don't rattle up and down like pebbles on a beach, but show a home for companionship, prayer, praise, healing, wisdom, laughter, peace, creativity, and glimpses into eternity.
As we begin a new year we should be proud of how much we have evolved and adapted, but we always need the Good Lord's guidance. There are many challenges ahead! This prayer may help us.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference."
and wisdom to know the difference."
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